ome blogs are entirely devoted to crafts. I am in awe of
the women who write them because they have a certain Martha Stewart thing going
on that I lack. If I devoted my blog to crafting I would only have about two
posts. I don’t sew. I don’t knit. And I don’t crochet. I just don’t have the
crafting gene! Fortunately, for my daughter, Andre’s aunt is creative and loves
to do crafts. Because of her, Andre and his siblings grew up making “candy
houses” for Christmas and this year she shared that tradition with our toddler.
Toddler enjoying her craft time
You make candy houses by creating a small house out of
cardboard, making a “paste” out of egg whites and confectioner’s sugar,
painting the house with the paste and sticking candy on the house. The result
is a fun-filled afternoon with smiling children. What could be better than that?!
The toddler loved it! She paid attention longer than we expected
her too. She was somewhat mesmerized by the colors and the process. However, she is only two years old. Eventually, she became distracted and more interested in eating the candy than
putting it on the house!

I love new traditions. And this was a craft that I even I
could do. Perhaps there are some other crafts in my future?! Only time will tell. Until then, we are enjoying our candy house!